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October 13, 2017 (Friday)
H. E. Dr. Asad Majeed Khan, Abmassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Meeting with H. E. Dr. Asad Majeed Khan, Abmassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
October 6, 2017 (Friday)
Executive Luncheon Meeting in honor of H. E. Mr. Sujan Romeshchandra Chinoy, Ambassador of India
FEC invited Mr. Sujan Romeshchandra Chinoy, Ambassador of India, to an Executive Luncheon Meeting at the Hotel Okura Tokyo on October 6. The meeting w …
October 3, 2017 (Tuesday)
H. E. Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Meeting with H. E. Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
October 2017
H. E. Mrs. Faalavaau Perina J. Sila-Tualaulelei, Ambassador of the Independent State of Samoa
“Mutual Understanding at Citizens’ Level Needed for People-to-People Exchanges” —– Samoa is an island country in the South Pacifi …
September 26, 2017 (Tuesday)
H. E. Mr. Jukka Siukosaari, Ambassador of Finland
Meeting with H. E. Mr. Jukka Siukosaari, Ambassador of Finland
September 22, 2017 (Friday)
H. E. Mr. Gustavo Ayares, Ambassdor of the Republic of Chile
Meeting with H. E. Mr. Gustavo Ayares, Ambassdor of the Republic of Chile
September 19, 2017 (Tuesday)
H. E. Mr. Solomon Karanja Maina, Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya
Meeting with H. E. Mr. Solomon Karanja Maina, Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya
September 16, 2017 (Saturday)
Welcoming Breakfast Meeting in honor of Y. B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia
FEC hosted a welcoming breakfast meeting for Y. B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia at the Imperial …
September 14, 2017 (Thursday)
Executive Luncheon Meeting in honor of H.E. Mr. Richard Fairfax Court, Ambassador of Australia
FEC invited Mr. Richard Fairfax Court, Ambassador of Australia, to an Executive Luncheon Meeting at the Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo on September 14. The mee …
September 7, 2017 (Thursday)
Executive Luncheon Meeting in honor of H.E. Mr. Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
FEC invited H.E. Mr. Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Ambassador of Vietnam, to an Executive Luncheon Meeting at the Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo on September 7. The meeti …