
  • スロベニア大使HP1

    October 30, 2019(Wednesday)

    Mr. Hiroyuki Yushita, Senior Managing Director of FEC,Called on H.E. Dr. Ana Polak Petric, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • ジョセフ・チェノットゥ駐日ローマ法王庁大使HP1

    October 16, 2019 (Wednesday)

    Mr. Ken Matsuzawa, President of FEC, Called on H.E. Archbishop Joseph Chennoth

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • イムティアズ・アハマド駐日パキスタン・イスラム共和国大使HP1

    September 13 , 2019(Friday)

    Mr. Hiroyuki Yushita, Senior Managing Director of FEC,Called on H.E. Mr. Imtiaz Ahmad, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • サンティアゴ・パルド駐日コロンビア共和国大使表敬HP1

    August 30, 2019(Friday)

    Mr. Hiroyuki Yushita, Senior Managing Director of FEC,Called on H.E. Mr. Santiago Pardo, Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • マルチン・トムチョ駐日チェコ共和国大使E1

    August 21 ,2019 (Wednesday)

    Mr. Hiroyuki Yushita, Senior Managing Director of FEC,Called on H.E. Mr. Martin Tomco, Ambassador of the Czech Republic

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • 新名誉会員ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ大使Picture for FEC_英語HP4

    August 14, 2019(Wednesday)

    H.E. Mr. Sinisa Berjan, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • 中国大使HP英語2

    August 13 ,2019 (Tuesday)

    Mr.Ken Matsuzawa, President of FEC, Called on H.E. Mr. Kong Xuanyou, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • オマーン大使HP1

    August 8 ,2019 (Thuesday)

    Mr. Hiroyuki Yushita, Senior Managing Director of FEC,Called on H. E. Dr. Mohamed Al Busaidi, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • ルラマ・スマッツ・ンゴニャマ駐日南アフリカ大使HP1

    July 29 ,2019 (Monday)

    Mr. Hiroyuki Yushita, Senior Managing Director of FEC,Called on H.E. Mr. Lulama Smuts Ngonyama, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • ナミビア共和国大使HP1

    July 24 ,2019 (Wednesday)

    Mr. Hiroyuki Yushita, Senior Managing Director of FEC,Called on H.E. Mr. Morven M. Luswenyo, Ambassador of the Republic of Namibia

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

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