
  • ブルガリア大使_HP

    August 30, 2017 (Wednesday)

    H. E. Mr. Borislav Kostov, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Borislav Kostov, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • フィリピン大使表敬_HP

    August 16, 2017 (Wednesday)

    H. E. Mr. Jose C. Laurel V, Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Jose C. Laurel V, Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • マレーシア大使館 商談風景_HP3

    August 10, 2017 (Thursday)

    H. E. Dato’ Ahmad Izlan bin Idris, Ambassador of Malaysia

    Meeting with H. E. Dato’ Ahmad Izlan bin Idris, Ambassador of  Malaysia

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • ラオス大使_HP

    August 7, 2017 (Monday)

    H. E. Mr. Viroth Sundara, Ambassador of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Viroth Sundara, Ambassador of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • クロアチア大使_HP

    August 1, 2017 (Tuesday)

    H. E. Mr. Dražen Hrastić, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Dražen Hrastić, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • エクアドル大使_HP

    July 26, 2017 (Wednesday)

    H. E. Mr. Jaime Barberis, Ambassador of of the Republic of Ecuador

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Jaime Barberis, Ambassador of of the Republic of Ecuador

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • ポーランド大使_HP

    July 20, 2017 (Thursday)

    H. E. Mr. Jacek Izydorczyk, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Jacek Izydorczyk, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • 表敬訪問 ポール・マデン英国大使_HP1

    June 19, 2017 (Thursday)

    H. E. Mr. Paul Madden, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Paul Madden, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ大使 2ショット_HP2

    June 6, 2017 (Tuesday)

    H. E. Mr. Borislov Maric, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Borislov Maric, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • ドゥケ駐日コロンビア大使_HP

    May 16, 2017 (Tuesday)

    H.E. Mr. Gabriel Duque, Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia

    Meeting with H.E. Mr. Gabriel Duque, Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

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