
  • シンガポール大使2shot

    December 5, 2017 (Tuesday)

    H. E. Mr. Lui Tuck Yew, Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Lui Tuck Yew, Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • ブルネイ大使2shot_HP

    November 7, 2017 (Tuesday)

    H. E. Ms. Kamilah Hanifah, Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam

    Meeting with H. E. Ms. Kamilah Hanifah, Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • ラトビア大使_HP

    October 26, 2017 (Thursday)

    H. E. Ms. Dace Treija-Masī, Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia

    Meeting with H. E. Ms. Dace Treija-Masī, Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • 南アフリカ大使 表敬訪問 005_HP

    October 23, 2017 (Monday)

    H. E. Mr. Silence Dlomo, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Silence Dlomo, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • Courtesy Call(インドネシア)大使と専務_HP

    October 20, 2017 (Friday)

    H. E. Mr. Arifin Tasrif, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Arifin Tasrif, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • Courtesy Call(パキスタン)大使と専務_HP

    October 13, 2017 (Friday)

    H. E. Dr. Asad Majeed Khan, Abmassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

    Meeting with H. E. Dr. Asad Majeed Khan, Abmassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • アフガニスタン大使_HP

    October 3, 2017 (Tuesday)

    H. E. Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

    Meeting with H. E. Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • Courtesy Call (フィンランド)_HP

    September 26, 2017 (Tuesday)

    H. E. Mr. Jukka Siukosaari, Ambassador of Finland

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Jukka Siukosaari, Ambassador of Finland

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • Courtesy Call(チリ)大使と専務1_HP

    September 22, 2017 (Friday)

    H. E. Mr. Gustavo Ayares, Ambassdor of the Republic of Chile

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Gustavo Ayares, Ambassdor of  the Republic of Chile

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

  • Courtesy Call (ケニア)_HP

    September 19, 2017 (Tuesday)

    H. E. Mr. Solomon Karanja Maina, Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya

    Meeting with H. E. Mr. Solomon Karanja Maina, Ambassador of  the Republic of Kenya

    Meetings with Ambassadors to Japan

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